be positive thinking, be creative thinking.

be positive thinking, be creative thinking.

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) and Distance Learning

S. Seljan, M. Banek, S. Špiranec, J. Lasić-Lazić
Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb
Ivana Lučića 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, Fax: +385 1 600 24 31

Computer-Assisted Language Learning
(CALL), grown at crossroads of technology and
language learning, respond to human needs,
industrial and educational development, cultural
demands, entertainment and business. CALL
programs, incorporated into distance-learning
systems, offer students wide range of texts,
multimedia materials, pre-structured exercises,
tests, etc. In the paper, interconnection between elearning
Omega system and CALL course is given.
As the course represents combination of theory,
evaluation, development of individual practical skills
and students’ teamwork, advantages of the elearning
system will be presented.
Use of new technologies in language
learning offers unlimited possibilities, but also
recognizes the irreplaceable role of teacher whose
organizing and communication capabilities enforce
interactive communication. Demanding higher level
of linguistic knowledge and computer skills, use of elearning
system in CALL course would be more
suitable for advanced learners as a supplement
material to classical teaching.
Key words: CALL, distance learning, blended
learning, ICT
In the era of life-long learning and multilingual
communication, need for distance
education has become obvious, not only in
educational environment, but also in home-study
setting. Use of ICT technology in language
learning could bring different advantages, but also
demand certain skills, organization capabilities
and additional time in order to provide new
learning experience. Blended learning, combining
distance learning, online tutorials with face-to face
learning, could offer improvement on existing
CALL (Computer-Assisted Language
Learning), i.e. TELL (Technology Enhanced
Language Learning) has gained considerable
attention in academic and research institutions,
focusing on interactive communicative support for
enhancing user's skills of listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. CALL/TELL has entered the
integrative phase1 where computer is not only
used as a media for delivering instructions as in
behaviouristic phase or as a tool in communicative
phase, but integrates multimedia packages, CDROMs
and Internet supporting skill-based
activities, interactive learning and self-access as
an approach in teaching and learning.
Possibilities of creating rich multimedia
environment, additional activities for individual
research and practice, course management
administration, interactive learning, self-access,
unlimited time and personalization are probably
some of the key factors for blended learning.
Integrating CALL/TELL into traditional learning
environment with suitable methodological and
pedagogical approach, some new skills could be
developed, as well as multicultural
While e-learning is sometimes perceived
as a synonym with online learning or distance
learning on the Internet, according the UK
government the "e" stands for electronic, which
embraces all aspects of ICT from using a wordprocessor
for producing printed handouts to a fullblown
online course wrapped up in a Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE).”
A VLE is a Web-based package designed
to help teachers to create online courses, together
with facilities for teacher-learner communication
and peer-to-peer communication and can be used
to deliver learning materials within an institution
or within a local education authority. One of such
systems is Moodle, the open source software,
which the user is free to download, use, modify
and even distribute. Such systems are also referred
to as a Course Management System (CMS), a
Learning Management System (LMS), and a
Learning Support System (LSS).
The term2 distance learning is taken to
mean, principally, individual learners working by
themselves, at a convenient time and place as well
as, to some extent, their own pace. It encompasses
some aspects of open learning i.e. certain level of
openness in terms of place, time, pace and content
of learning, as well as aspects of resource-based
learning i.e. usage of resources presented in
different media, crucial for developing and
practicing in reading and listening skills.
Furthermore, the term blended learning
in CALL tends to describe a blend of distance
learning online with face to face tutorials. Being
connected from a distance to a centre, students
can access and use organized courseware
materials or the free online language learning
Such courses take a multiple-media approach,
where education materials consist out of learning
packages containing text books, audio and video
materials, together with animated pictures,
tutorials and tests, sometimes offered only in
electronic environment and in some cases as a
supplement to the published materials.
When discussing language learning, it is
necessary to discuss the blended learning which
combines the traditional face-to face learning and
certain aspects of distance learning like usage of
supplement materials in the form of online
tutorials, tests, assignments and various resources
which can be accessed in classroom or from
home. The major advantages of implementing
blended or distant learning into language course
are: course management and administration
(grading assignments, students attendance,
communication between student and teacher, etc.);
delivery of content (up-to-date content students
can access, multimedia materials in targeted
language); target language communication
(opportunities to interact in the target language with
other students, tutor and native speakers);
collaborative work (ICT4LT Module 4.1).
Implementation of blended or distant
learning is possible both in school and
universities, as well as in adult education and lifelong
learning, with the prerequisite of possessing
basic computer skills. Having possibility to work
independently with available materials and online
resources, without time limitations, completely at
one’s own pace (discovering new topics,
practicing, etc.) these could be motivators for selfaccess
learning. On the other side, social contact,
regular obligations, problems with
hardware/software could be disadvantages to
Although it was developed on the ICT
basic, apart from distance learning, CALL could
be incorporated into blended learning approach,
an thus offered as part of distance education
programs. Having in mind that the interconnection
between CALL and distance learning is still in
development phase, at least in Croatia, it refers
mainly to three types of computer applications in
the home-study environment 3:
1.Computer-Managed Instruction focuses on
the computer as a management tool which
facilitates administration of the learning process.
It enables communication with students, on-line
registration, tracking of student's work within
particular course, exam generation, testing in
groups with random option, test correction, etc.
Computer-Managed Instruction could be used to
evaluate skills in listening, reading, writing and
even speaking.
Testing could happen as the pre-test for
particular course, i.e. as diagnostic test in order to
determine level of knowledge and to determine
the prerequisite skills on which the course may be
based. This way computer-assisted testing could
serve as primary, but it doesn't have to be the sole
way of evaluation. In determining the student's
level of practical prerequisite skills on which a
course may be built, additional multimedia
components could be used, such as animations,
audio and video recorded materials, which could
be used for listening, reading, writing, speaking,
understanding, etc.
The ICT4LT Module 4.1 makes difference
between formative and summative assessments,
indicating that the formative assessment is mainly
used in tests for diagnostic the students' progress
in specific areas or for self-assessment, because of
immediate feedback while the summative
assessment is mainly used at the end of the course
measuring often the acquired skills. According to
D. Abrioux, summative evaluation within a course
could primarily test to determine how much of the
material and how many of the concepts presented
in a course have been understood and mastered by
a student and according to prior knowledge the
teacher could give student certain credit.
2. Computer-Aided Learning (CAL) /
Computer-Assisted Language Learning
(CALL) consists of software applications and
materials realized thought different media (that
usually serve as supplement material), which fall
under various categorization principles:
− According D.A.M.X. Abrioux, CALL software
could be divided into two main categories:
tutorials and simulations.
− The others tend to classify them as text tools and
presentation software and software applications,
or as content-free and content specific software
− Hardisty and Windeatt4 distinguish between school
programs (exercises involving gap-filling,
multiple choice, sequencing, matching, text
reconstruction), office programs (wordprocessing,
database, DTP, communications,
spreadsheets), library programs (concordances)
and home programs (adventures and simulations).
− Another authors distinguish among authoring
programs, grammar, vocabulary, reading skills,
writing and word processing, oral skills, listening
skills, information sources, discover and
− Bax5 offers three new categories: restricted CALL
(allowing only to refer to a theory or rule), open
(in terms of feedback given to students and role of
the teacher) and integrated (technological
innovation embedded in everyday practice)
indicating that we are using the open CALL, and
that our aim should be the state in which
technology would be invisibly integrated into
everyday life.
Regarding integration of CALL material
into distance learning, it is often pointed out that
only human can adjust to changes, develop new
knowledge and use it in infinite ways using proper
methodological approach and work on human
interaction. The author D.A.M.X. Abrioux
indicates that problems of accessibility, bigger
memory demands and on-line access which
contribute to institutional costs, could be partially
handled by regional. In order to teach language at
distance, new developments related to language
teaching have made CALL valuable resource for
aiding the language learner at distance.
When talking about CALL applications
there are strong discussions regarding evaluation
and usefulness of software, pointing out different
approaches in language learning. While some
theorists and researchers believe that the «value of
the computer as a learning aid in language
acquisition lies in the use of creative
communicative software (games and simulations)
rather than in the use of "wrong-try-again" drills»,
others would argue that drill and practice type of
exercises have valuable function, since it permits
teachers to focus on developing other
communicative skills during class time. The main
importance of using CALL software lies in the
possibility to enforce communication, skillpracticing,
self-access and critical approach in the
target language. CALL supposes interactive
communication where exercises are immediately
corrected enabling the student to proceed with
other activities, or if the answer is incorrect, the
student should be given the appropriate feedback
in the form of rule, example, new trial or right
answer and error explanation.
CALL applications integrated into distance
learning would mean possibility for home-study
exercises and activities, although the answers for
exercises are generally checked through specific
option or sent to the tutor who corrects them and
sends back the corrected exercises. Exercises
should be adapted to the certain level (beginner,
medium, advanced, expert). In that way CALL
software could serve as optional, complementary
component of the distance delivered language
In CALL applications particular interest is
shown for listening skills and comprehension used
in distance education setting. This way students
could listen to the pre-recorded material and work
on it as needed: replay, answer, slow down, break
into sentences, work on vocabulary, write down,
etc. The same components could be used for
another learning activity – dictation, where two
skills can be developed: listening and writing. In
order to enhance communication activities, special
attention is given to programs that motivate for
conversation in the distance education
environment (e.g. programs that support
conversation in a restricted domain, as in the
supermarket, hotel reservation, conversation with
psychiatrist, etc.). Although computers can
recognize only the foreseen sentences, the real-life
situations could be discussed.
3. Computer Conferencing meaning
electronic network which enables individuals to
communicate via computers in delayed
asynchronic time as a group, between individuals,
or with database. In its simplest form it is e-mail,
enabling communication between students
assigned to the course and between students and
tutor, or between tutor and system manager.
Computer conferencing is often referred as
integral teaching component, i.e. communication
tool for a distance education course. As the basic
goal of language acquisition is communication in
target language, video conferencing could be also
well-used for the purpose of language learning in
CALL and in distance education environment.
According to BBC report, distance learners make
use of additional material, links, exercises, etc.
Although oral communication is preferred, the
network communication (e-mail, computer
conferencing, remote tutorials, tests, etc.)
represent kind of improvement relating to pure
classic written communication
Advantages that ICT could bring to
language learning courses are offered in ICT4LT
Module 1.4:
• Course management and instruction in the sense of
using course management and administration,
saving on staff time and the costs of mailing,
including also e-mail communication.
• Delivery of content through distance learning
system including all type of multimedia prerecorded
material, as well as tasks of managing,
updating, security and accessibility of online
• Target language communication in the sense that
ICT technology could improve lack of possibility
of alive communication. Using different types of
course components (formal and informal) it is
possible to improve communication in the target
• E-mail between learners or between tutor and
learner could be used for communication in a
team work or for discussing a particular topic in
advance of an assignment
• Discussion lists suitable for large groups of student
in order to argument the opinion. It is desirable to
have moderator who could use it for correction of
mistakes, language analysis, etc.
• Chat rooms that could be used for informal
contacts with native speakers
• MUD and MOOs (MUD - standing Multi User
Domain or Multi User Dungeon- type of real-time
Internet conference enabling users to send email
or to manipulate objects in an imaginary world;
MOO - standing for Multi-User-Domain Object
Oriented, i.e. these are essentially "virtual
worlds", some of which are specifically designed
for language learning).
• Tandem learning indicating form of learning
between two users of different native languages,
working in pairs, with purpose to improve their
language skills and to learn more about another
• Online oral interaction is probably the most
exciting way of using ICT technology in language
learning. It is possible to join existing groups, or
to create "private" rooms for the duration of the
session when they are created. Special way of
communication is video conferencing connecting
computers that are equipped with video facilities
• Community building in the sense that online
communication brings affective component,
raising motivation and creating kind of
• Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) is of special
importance covering a range of assessment
procedures and use of computer technology in
order to take part in the assessment process.
Special attention is given to types of skills that
could be accessed: listening, speaking, reading
and writing using adequate software, possibility to
record the students' answers and evaluate them.
According to Robyler & Ekhaml6 one of
the key factors is student's perception of the
degree of interaction, which seems to have impact
on student achievement and satisfaction. Trying to
determine degree of interactivity in distance
learning courses, the authors distinguished four
elements that contribute to a course's level of
interaction and interactivity:
− Social rapport building among class members and
between class members and instructor – activities
created by the instructor
− Instructional goals of interaction to encourage
reflection and discussion on course topics,
focusing on instructional designs to increase this
kind of participation and feedback; created by the
− Types and uses of technologies that facilitate
interaction, such as videoconferencing and webbased
resources. Besides technology, it includes
techniques, design and methods.
− Impact on interactive qualities of learners,
reflected in learners increased of decreased
willingness to use various technology resources,
to collaborate and to participate in class activities.
The ambition to implement educational
reforms in line with educational policy statements
in Croatia and the challenge to master the first
step towards a new 21st century educational
paradigm, the first ICT supported classes where
organized at the Department of information
science, Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb in the
academic year 2000/2001.
As the Faculty of Philosophy at the
University of Zagreb functions almost as an huge
university constituted out of 23 Departments, 33
undergraduate programmes and around 6100
students of whom the majority studies at two
departments i.e. has two majors, a constant
problem of time and space for lectures and
tutorials is present. Besides organizational and
infrastructural constraints, need for the creation of
new and robust teaching and learning
environments using ICT was perceived as a
prerequisite for the achievement of future
educational reforms.
During the summer semester of academic
year 20002001. A pilot e-learning course on
school libraries at the Department of information
science was implemented. This was an elective
course, so students were offered an experimental
e-learning course (for up to 15 students) which
was to show weather this new style of teaching
could be implemented. The only prerequisite was
that students were computer literate and had
access to Internet. Course was based on
synchronous and asynchronous communication
(e-mail, forum and chat), web-based learning as
well as on students team work, research and
projects. After two years of successfully
conducting this course and positive students’
attitude towards this way of teaching, and the
demand for expanding this on several more
courses we decided implement a open source
courseware tool in order to create a virtual
learning environment. The goal was to create
blended learning environment where the ICT was
to help in dealing with the problem of overloaded
schedule (lack of time and space) as well as in
enabling easier course administration, content
delivery, communication between students and
professors, and collaboration.
In September 2002, a three year project
Organization of Information and Knowledge in
the Electronic Learning Environment
(Organizacija informacija i znanja u
elektroničkom obrazovnom okruženju - has started. The
project, funded by the Croatian Ministry of
Science, explored issues within the electronic
learning environment. One of the project tasks
was to investigate, test and evaluate open source
(Learnloop, ZOPE, MOODLE…) and commercial
solutions (WebCT, Blackboard…) and decide
upon the best solution for the needs of the
teaching staff of the Department of Information
Sciences and in future the Faculty of Philosophy.
The decision felt on the free, open-source
course management system (CMS) MOODLE1
which was translated, customized and
implemented for the academic year 2004./2005
under the name OMEGA. The fact that MOODLE
is a free, easy-to-use system (i.e. everyone with
basic computer literacy can easily use it) with
simple and understandable interface was the main
reason for implementing it. Furthermore, its large
variety of modules and the ability of
implementing new modules; SCORM compliance;
autentification via LDAP or IMAP (e-mail) user
accounts at the Faculty; were a major plus in
deciding upon which system to choose and
implement in a large heterogeneous institution as
ours, baring in mind that the large number of staff
is not enthusiastic about the idea of using ICT in
their teaching.
Figure 1. Omega e-learning system
After spanning the majority of the
Department of information science courses and
several courses of the other faculty departments it
has overgrown its departmental character and
became a faculty-wide e-learning system.
Currently (January 2006), there are 18
Departments offering their courses on OMEGA
1 The word Moodle was originally an acronym for
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
with total number of 116 courses (104 visible and
12 invisible courses), more than 150 professors
and assistants working on their courses and more
than 6 GB of produced learning and teaching
materials. With the star of the new academic year
we have more than 1900 students enrolled in the
courses offered on OMEGA. The number of
courses, data, professors and students is increasing
on monthly basis and during this academic year
(2005/2006.) we expect it to grow.
Bearing in mind that within the
humanities and social sciences the benefits of elearning
applications show lower rates of
acceptance, which is mainly caused by prevailing
traditions of teaching the respective subject, and
the considerable pressure from within the
university, particularly from part of the staff, to
preserve the status quo, the popularity of
OMEGA/MOODLE on a faculty-wide bases
seems surprising. The reason for the positive
attitudes could be explained through the
phenomenon of blended learning, which does not
require a complete break-up with traditional
learning but the complementary application of the
traditional and technological paradigm. On the
other hand, the new educational reform and the
implementation of the ECTS is also a major
driving force for the teaching staff to shift and use
new teaching and learning environment.
5.1Using audio-video materials
Under the project OIZEOO several
lectures from international and national experts
and academics have been recorded. The main goal
was to record lectures for students that were
unable to attend them. The taped lectures were
edited and offered as an .html file, accesses online
or in classes via the OMEGA system.. Recordings
are organized as a two simultaneously connected
windows of whom one is the video of the lecture
and the other is PowerPoint presentation. If
necessary the third window, containing the
internet resource shown during the lecture (e.g.
searching catalogues, showing web resources….),
was added and synchronized with the rest of the
Figure 2. Examples of the recorded lecture
For video editing developing education
materials we used a Microsoft programme MS
Producer which is an add-on tool for users of the
MS Office PowerPoint 2003. The programme
enables to synchronize audio, video, HTML files
and still images with the MS PowerPoint slides in
order to create dynamic and rich-media
presentation. This could be also applied for the
language learning for recordings of the native
speakers, for students to learn and recognize
different dialects. But more importantly students
could learn and practice simultaneous translation
5.2 CALL course
The CALL course taught at the
Department of Information Sciences, for students
studying mainly information sciences and another,
mainly, philological group, represents
combination of theory, evaluation of existing
materials involving critical thinking, practical
implementation using suitable methodological
approach and teamwork research on the specific
task which is presented during class time. The
course is skill-based (developing technical,
critical, linguistic and cultural skills) and
knowledge-based, pointing out necessity of proper
pedagogical and methodological approach in
CALL environment, i.e. in blended learning. The
course is held via OMEGA distance learning
system which enables online activities,
communication with students and usage of various
activities like tests, authoring tools, language
resources, tutorials, games, etc.
Another interesting use of Omega system
is for the translation workshop of the English
language students. Due to a large number of
students attending this course, the material to be
translated is uploaded on Omega as a task to be
done by the set deadline. Uploaded translations
are then corrected, some advices and proposals
given, and then again uploaded anonymously for
all students to see most common mistakes,
corrections, solutions and advices. Using
“Choice” options, students then validate
usefulness of tutor’s feedback. Another interesting
use is creation of glossary terms out of translated
texts (politics, economy, law) which are then used
during translation. Students also send useful links
related to the domains of text to be translated, or
use pictured or video clips of some event, give
their opinions and create type of “community”.
Although work with distance learning
system takes additional time to prepare, organize
and test, according the tutor’s opinion, Omega has
enabled better and more effective type of work,
because of large number of students. Another
advantage is the possibility to prepare materials
and put them online, immediate feedback in the
sense of homework corrections and uploading,
student-centeredness, etc. Furthermore, the usage
of the Forum enables better communication
between students and professors. The main
disadvantages are slow connections or even lack
of Internet connections, when outside of the
faculty, and sometimes lack of computers.
The acquisition of new skills (technical,
critical, linguistic and cultural) and knowledge,
collaborative procedures, student-centeredness,
new teaching techniques integrating language with
technology and suitable methodology are some
key factors for building intercultural, educated,
organized, cooperative and flexible user, capable
to work and enjoy in new educational
environment. Aware of its demands regarding
time and equipment, but incorporating certain
segment of ICT technology according to learners'
computer skills and language level, the teacher
will try to develop methodology that will best
develop the user's skills and knowledge. Besides
importance of having digital content for not
widely spoken languages, ICT enables creation of
rich environment with all types of multimedia
documents for use at a distance, i.e. outside
classroom. Those changes can happen at
secondary level and higher education, but also in
adult education and life-long learning.
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